Course Description
This diploma programme is a two-year part-time training programme specially designed for those wishing to take an initiative towards working in the laboratory and to acquire sound knowledge and primary skills on laboratory science. The programme is structured for students to develop and correlate basic academic knowledge in human anatomy & physiology, applied immunology, biochemistry & molecular genetics in medical laboratory tests. The programme is designed to develop students for technical competence and skills required to work in a testing laboratory under supervision.
Days / Time
- Tue, Thu starts 6:30 pm for 2-3 hours
- The normal minimum time to complete the programme is two calendar years.
- HKU SPACE Learning Centres and HKU Campus** (a) University Pathology Building, Queen Mary Hospital, Pokfulam Road; and (b) LKS Faculty of Medicine Building, HKU, Sassoon Road
Medium of Instruction
- English supplemented with Cantonese
Programme Structure
Students are required to complete 4 taught modules within the period of two calendar years. The four modules cover the topics essential to the laboratory science services:
- Module 1: Introduction of Laboratory Science and Basic Laboratory Skills. This module is designed to provide students with working principles of general laboratory equipment and the concepts of laboratory safety.
- Module 2: Fundamentals of Human Anatomy & Physiology, Biochemistry & Molecular Genetics, and Applied Immunology. This module provides students with the basic principles of Biochemistry & Molecular Genetics, Human Anatomy & Physiology, and Applied Immunology.
- Module 3: Integrated Laboratory Science Studies. This module provides students with basic knowledge of the major disciplines of testing laboratory science, viz. Clinical Biochemistry, Hematology & Serology, Medical Microbiology, Histopathology & Cytology, Microbiological Testing for Food & Herbal Products, and Toxicology for Food & Herbal Products.
- Module 4: Laboratory Management and Quality Assurance. This module is designed to enhance student’s understanding and awareness of the occupational health and safety legislation and for them to develop management, effective communication and quality assurance skills for the testing laboratory service.
Mode of Delivery
The programme is delivered in a part-time mode with face-to-face lectures and case-study tutorials. Emphasis will be on laboratory and technical aspects with demonstrations and hands-on laboratory practicals.
Assessment and Examinations
For all modules, students are assessed by means of written/practical examinations, written assignments, laboratory practical reports and seminar presentations.
Assessment Scheme
• Modules 1-3: 70% examination + 30% laboratory reports
• Module 4: 50% written assignment + 50% presentation
• Modules 1-3: 70% examination + 30% laboratory reports
• Module 4: 50% written assignment + 50% presentation
The pass mark for all assessments is 50%.
Entry Requirements
Applicants shall have gained in the:
- HKDSE Examination Level 2 or above in 5 subjects* including i) English Language, ii) Chinese Language and iii a) Chemistry or b) Combined Science (Chemistry); or
- HKCEE Grade E or above in 3 subjects including Chemistry, and Level 2 in English Language and Chinese Language#; or
- HKALE Grade E in Chemistry or two AS subjects including Chemistry.
Equivalent qualifications will be considered by the School.
Applicants who do not have the above academic qualifications but aged 21 or above with relevant experience may be considered. An interview may be necessary in such cases.
*Applicants are allowed to use not more than two Applied Learning (ApL) subjects in the application. The recognition of the ApL subjects is as follows:
“Attained with distinction” is deemed equivalent to Level 3; and
“Attained” is deemed equivalent to Level 2.
# With effect from 2007, HKU SPACE recognizes Grade E previously awarded for Chinese Language and English Language (Syllabus B), Grade C in the case of English Language (Syllabus A) at HKCEE as an acceptable alternative to Level 2 in these two subjects at HKCEE.
Course Fee
- HK$19,000 (one single instalment in Year 1)
- HK$19,000 (one single instalment in Year 2)