4月16及23日 晚上9:30 明珠台
第一集《食得最健康》,Jimmy 和 Kate分別出發,從「健康餐單」中的第五十位開始,走訪澳洲、美國和英國等地,發現某些地區的飲食習慣不但欠缺新鮮的疏果,更含有大量的脂肪、酒精、油鹽等,令人發胖之餘,更可引致癌症,嚴重危害健康。
2015年4月25日 星期六
2015年4月24日 星期五
2015年4月22日 星期三
美研究:服食過多維他命丸 不但無益 更會致癌
世界頂級的癌病治療專家Dr Tim Byers,探究了三十年來的研究報告,發現服食過量的維他命Ezc、:β-胡蘿蔔素、葉酸或維他命B,可以帶來反效果:「我們未清楚原因,但證據顯示服用多過建議份量的話,有更大風險患上癌病。」
在英國,每年超過230,000名孕婦都會服用維他命B,以防止脊柱斷裂又或其他感染。但Dr Byer的團隊發現,服食過量的話,患癌的機會大幅增加56%,亦會令人更易長出息肉。
來自美國科羅拉多大學癌症中心的預防及控制的聯席總監Dr Byers,於20年前,因有報告指食更多水果和蔬菜有助防癌,故他展開今次的研究。他想知道究竟維他命補充丸這個在英國市值接近4億的市場,究竟對防止致命疾病的作用如何。
來源: the mirror 每日鏡報
2015年4月13日 星期一
Higher Diploma in Pharmaceutical Dispensing (Full-Time or Part-time)
Programme Objectives
To provide students with a broad and enriched learning experience in the dispensing of medicines and related pharmaceuticals and to enhance the intellectual and personal development of students.
Programme Structure
Courses of Higher Diploma in Pharmaceutical Dispensing (Full-time) | Courses of Higher Diploma in Pharmaceutical Dispensing (Part-time) | |
Year 1
Introduction to Dispensing
Human Anatomy & Physiology Fundamental Chemistry for Dispensing Human Pathophysiology Introduction to Pharmacology & Therapeutics Dispensing Pratice Chinese Communication Use of English Numerical & IT Literacy GE Course |
Introduction to Dispensing
Human Anatomy & Physiology Human Pathophysiology Fundamental Chemistry for Dispensing Chinese Communication Use of English Numerical & IT Literacy |
Year 2
Pharmaceutics Dosage Science
Pharmacology & Therapeutics I Pharmacology & Therapeutics II Pharmacy Practice I Pharmacy Practice II Complementary & Alternative Medicine Pharmacy Law & Professional Ethics Effective English Communication Practical Putonghua GE Course |
Dispensing Practice
Pharmaceutics Dosage Science Pharmacy Practice I Introduction to Pharmacology & Therapeutics Effective English Communication Practical Putonghua GE Course |
Year 3
Pharmacology & Therapeutics I
Pharmacology & Therapeutics II Pharmacy Practice II Complementary & Alternative Medicine Pharmacy Law & Professional Ethics GE Course |
In this programme, students will need to complete at least 200 hours of on-site training.
In 2012-13, students have been arranged to complete their Externship in pharmacies under the Hospital Authority, pharmacies of private hospitals, elderly homes under the Caritas Hong Kong, elderly homes under the Tung Wah Group of Hospitals, clinics and/ or community pharmacies.
In 2012-13, students have been arranged to complete their Externship in pharmacies under the Hospital Authority, pharmacies of private hospitals, elderly homes under the Caritas Hong Kong, elderly homes under the Tung Wah Group of Hospitals, clinics and/ or community pharmacies.
Academic Advancement and Career Prospects
- Graduates are qualified to apply for the job position Dispenser of the Hospital Authority, private organizations (including private hospitals, clinics, community pharmacies and homes for the elderly). Graduates can also develop their careers in other healthcare organizations and pharmaceutical industries.
- Graduates may articulate to Bachelor’s degree programmes offered by local or overseas universities.
2015年4月12日 星期日
2015年4月7日 星期二
2015年4月2日 星期四
Characteristics of the Happiest people (Lyubomisrsky, 2008)
- They devote a lot of time to their family and friends, nurturing and enjoying those relationships
- They are comfortable expressing gratitude for all they have
- They are often the first to offer helping hands to coworkers and passersby
- They practice optimism when imaging their futures
- They savor life's pleasures and try to live in the present moment
- They make physical exercise a weekly and even daily habit
- They are deeply committed to lifelong goals and ambitions
- They are posed and resilient in coping with life challenges and difficultie
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